E62- Net Neutrality, Robotic Arm, Chickens Wear Oculus Headset, Kinect | Red Headed Geek Show

Microsoft decided to live in reality and are selling a version of the Xbox One without the Kinect in it. Too bad it took so many of us buying one, and either selling the Kinect off of it or just not supporting it all together by not using it for Microsoft to realize it should do this.

Something else in the news, the FCC and net neutrality of course. The FCC voted and approved for proposals that could see internet service providers charging the likes of Netflix for more premium delivery. These proposals allow for an internet fast lane, or "paid prioritization". Its supposed to avoid interfering with competition and not harm current customer rates.

Second Livestock is the name of a project being pitched by an assistant professor with a big idea to give chickens free roaming capability. The catch is this, the idea involves chickens wearing Oculus Rift headsets to provide this environment. They could “explore” grassland, and even peck and bob their heads around with the help of future iterations of Oculus.

This robotic arm has been developed with four fingers and a three-jointed hand to identify and catch flying objects in mid air. Catching flying objects is uniquely identified as something very human, so its pretty amazing to get a robot to do this. It takes very fine tuned adjustments to accomplish this, and this guy can do it in 5/100th of a second. It is being already used in the Space Junk cleanup program.

Topics: Technology News The Red-Headed Geek Show

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