Tag Archives: Silicon Hills

Stealth WPC-525F – A PC So Tough It Should Have Been Born in TEXAS

As tough as they are, Texans actually tend to be quite compassionate toward those not born in Texas; just don't let it happen again.


Dell Computers Technology News & Developments – Silicon Hills

The bright spot for all computer manufacturers is an IDC report that: ...."end user surveys tell us that few people consider media tablets as replacements for their PCs, so later this year when there is a new Microsoft operating system, available in sleek new PC form factors, we believe consumer interest in PCs will begin to rebound".


Technology Companies – Silicon Hills – Austin, Texas – ATX

Austin TX, Silicon Hills, ATX -- Let's take a scatter-shot look around in one of the world's top technology hubs, also known as Silicon Hills; and known affectionately to art, music, and SXSW (South-by-Southwest) aficionados as simply "the ATX".